This is the sixth interview of my Taking Control Series which has been developed to give you lots of ways you can start to feel more in control, whatever your journey looks like.
This episode features the lovely Nicola Salmon, a ‘fat-positive’ and feminist fertility coach and the author of “Fat and Fertile”.
She advocates for change in how women in bigger bodies are treated on their fertility journey and supports women who are struggling to get pregnant to find peace with their body, find their own version of health and finally escape the yo-yo dieting cycle.
In this interview Nicola talks about how to advocate for yourself with fertility professionals, how you can develop a better relationship with your body, without all the faddy diets, and we talk about the guilt women often feel and how there needs to be a change in societies determinants of health.
The taking control series has been developed to give you lots of ways you can start to feel more in control, whatever your journey looks like.
I've been recording interviews with some amazing people working in the Fertility industry to get some insight and advice on how you can take back control of your Fertility journey and your life, whatever your situation, and I will be continuing to share them over the next few weeks.
Fertility treatment can be one of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a couple, but it can also bring a deeper level of love, understanding, and strength. The key is to keep showing up for each other - in the good moments and the tough ones.
The new year is a time for reflection and thinking about changes we would like to make. Instead of thinking about setting resolutions, think about creating healthy wellness habits that will support you in your fertility journey.