GUEST BLOG - Just Indian Things About Fertility, Gitanjali Banerjee
“ Don’t invite her, she is a banjh (An Infertile Woman).” “It’s inauspicious for her to come to the Godh Bharai (Baby Shower) ceremony.”
We all have heard such sentences someday or the other. Did you know that primary infertility impacts between 3.9 to 16.9% of couples of reproductive age in India? But despite these large figures, there still seems to be a major stigma associated with being infertile above a certain age. Apart from pre-existing conditions, the recent delay in the age at which women give birth due to education, career, and so on has also caused problems for women trying to conceive. Unfortunately, societal stigmas often cause a great deal of shame and embarrassment to women unable to conceive. Superstitions in India such as not inviting infertile women to Godh Bharai (Baby Shower) ceremonies for they supposedly bring bad luck have played a key role in deepening the stigma.
Unfortunately, the lack of knowledge on the subject leads to these widespread misconceptions that prevent couples from reaching out for help. Additionally, couples who do not conceive also are often treated as outcasts and are sometimes subject to a great deal of embarrassment.
Due to the widespread presence of these taboos, it is often believed that infertility is an incurable condition despite there being several cures and treatments.
But it is not so. Lifestyle changes and medications can go a long way to help couples conceive and pursue a healthy pregnancy, whether it is naturally, or through ART. As said, following the Four Pillars is supposed to be the foundation of overcoming infertility and
The first step towards a healthy conception revolves around a new and healthier lifestyle. Changes in sleep patterns, nutrition, and physical activity combined with prescribed medication allow women to take the steps in the right direction. The four pillars to achieving fertility include Yoga, Ayurvedic Treatment, nutrition, and emotional wellness.
Yoga is an age-old practice that derives its origin from the Indian subcontinent and has researched backed evidence to prove its numerous health benefits.
“We often live in an illusion that basic cardio, or losing weight through any form of exercise can help us conceive.”
But that’s not true, you need to follow targeted yogic asanas that work on your reproductive system. Specific yoga techniques that focus on reproductive health and mental health combined can assist every woman in conception. Our experts believe that every case is different, and accordingly yogic asanas should be performed regularly and in a proper way.
The third pillar associated with improved fertility is nutrition. Nutrition is perhaps the most important pillar among the four as our diet controls a lot of our mental and physical attributes. Cleaners and a healthier diet allow your body to rid toxins and improve its overall functioning.
“But we should always remember we’re eating to create life, not to simply lose weight. Keto diets or intermittent fasting are not something you should be getting into right now!”
A balanced diet focusing on essential vitamins along with a planned meal schedule is very important to help assist with planning a pregnancy. Note that diets are very body-specific and you should not go on any diet unless recommended by a medical professional. If you are looking to improve your diet in preparation for a pregnancy, it is best to consult a medical professional and seek advice.
The final and perhaps the most important of all pillars is your emotional wellness. We often neglect our feelings and state of mind and this results in several health conditions. One of the most important factors of working towards a healthy pregnancy is a good mental state. It is natural for women living in typically conservative societies to face discrimination to be treated as outcasts due to their infertility which can impact their mental state to a great extent. At this point, seeking professional help can allow you to be more accepting and positive, a healthy mind is always the first step towards planning a pregnancy.
Each of these pillars has its significance and no single lifestyle change will enable you to conceive, treating infertility requires a complete lifestyle change with healthier steps and hence it is very important to incorporate all the four pillars. Following these lifestyle changes along with any prescribed allopathic treatment will allow you to see much more positive and effective results quicker.
Infertility is very much curable and contrary to several myths that state that infertile couples cannot conceive, several of them have gone on to have healthy pregnancies. With the advent of technology and scientific research, new methods such as IVF have made having babies a reality for every couple. A right mind and a positive attitude go a long way in allowing you to conceive.
Gitanjali Banerjee is the Founder of Fertility Dost. After struggling with infertility for 10 years she decided that a platform should be created to reach out to every woman who’s suffering in silence. She believes that if she can support even a few women, and bring a little change, then her life has been worth living.
Fertility Dost is the leading and largest tech-enabled service to treat infertility. With several success stories, we believe that we can help you achieve your dream of becoming parents. Our community is large and widespread with like-minded couples and is here to support you through your journey. Our special programs such as the Fertility Coach program allow couples to navigate through the adversities of improving fertility, bettering mental wellness, and develop an overall positive attitude. For more details, connect with us on Facebook or WhatsApp or head over to our website for more details.
Fertility treatment can be one of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a couple, but it can also bring a deeper level of love, understanding, and strength. The key is to keep showing up for each other - in the good moments and the tough ones.
The new year is a time for reflection and thinking about changes we would like to make. Instead of thinking about setting resolutions, think about creating healthy wellness habits that will support you in your fertility journey.