November 20, 2024 7 min read

Christmas time is seen as a magical, exciting and hopeful time, but when you're struggling to get pregnant the festive season can be filled with expectations, triggers and reflections.

There are often lots of family events and it is a time of reflection on what you have done and achieved throughout the year. This can be difficult as it puts so much focus on children, and it is difficult to avoid.

I found myself getting upset around Christmas time, and getting more so with each year that passed without getting pregnant. I saw Christmas as a milestone that I still didn’t have a baby. Every year I thought ‘next Christmas we’ll have a baby’, so it was hard when Christmas came, but there was still no baby.

At this time of year it is so important to focus on self-care and the things you do have, rather than the things you don’t. It is easier to cope with things when you are feeling stronger emotionally and taking care of yourself.

Think about how you can redefine Christmas time as a positive and exciting time with your partner, friends and family. Hopefully time off work, time with friends and time for self-care. A time for starting new traditions with your partner and friends, so that Christmas becomes a time to look forward to.

If you are struggling this Christmas please be kind to yourself and talk to someone that understands, so you can talk honestly about how you feel and get the support you need. 

I wanted to share some tips to help you get through the Christmas holidays. I know how tough it can be, so take small steps and do what you need to do to get through it.

Be kind to yourself 

It's normal to feel a range of emotions over Christmas time, so allow yourself to feel however you feel, and don’t beat yourself up over feeling sad/jealous/upset. Just acknowledge how you are feeling, be compassionate with yourself and plan in things that bring you joy.

Plan in time for self-care 

Treat yourself to things that make you feel happy and good about yourself. This may be getting your nails done, having a beauty treatment, planning in meditation time each day, taking some time out on your own to read a good book or go for a walk, having a nice long lie in or taking part in your favourite hobby. 

Christmas time is always a busy time of year, with buying presents, trying to see family, getting work complete before time off over Christmas, buying food and hosting visitors. Make sure you are planning time in for you to recharge your batteries in and amongst all the other commitments you have. 

Plan in things to do as a couple or with friends

As you may have some time off work, use it to plan in nice trips, things as a couple or with friends that make you feel good — cinema, out for a meal, Christmassy markets. Think about some of the things you really enjoy doing and the people you enjoy spending time with, and get some things planned in.

Give yourself permission to miss events that you will find hard

For example,  family get togethers where there will be lots of babies/family asking when you will have a baby. If your close family know you are struggling to conceive you can explain that you find those events difficult at the minute and that you need to look after your emotional well being. If they don't know what you are going through, you could maybe make up an excuse as to why you can't go, if you would prefer that. Just remember it's ok to say no, to protect your emotional wellbeing!

Dodge the ‘when are you starting a family’ question

You will always get some well intentioned (but not subtle) family member or friend asking this question at family gatherings. have a think about an answer beforehand so you are not caught out having to think on the spot. You can then reply and move on quickly. Something simple like ‘we’ll let you know when we have news to share’ or 'we're not ready for that just yet' will be fine and then just change the subject. Think about the level of detail you want to disclose and what you would feel comfortable saying. 

Start new traditions with your partner, family and friends

Create some traditions as a couple or with your friends that you can continue over the years — like a Christmas mini break, all going for dinner on a certain date in December, having a Christmas shopping trip where you go and have dinner out together somewhere, a group trip to the Christmas markets, breakfast together on Christmas Eve etc. This will help to make Christmas time about the memories you make with your friends and partner, rather than it all being about families. 

If you’re not drinking over Christmas

Rather than organising nights out that focus on drinking, plan in going out for meals with friends where the focus is on food, or suggest doing something different to things you usually do, where drinking isn’t the focus – ice skating, bowling, going to the cinema, a day at the Christmas markets, a spa trip, a Christmas craft session, etc. 

If you don’t want people to know you’re not drinking

If you do meet up with friends where the focus is on drinking (or when you want to hide the fact you are not drinking), look for non-alcoholic alternatives so can still feel like you are involved, order drinks that you can pretend have alcohol in or confide in a friend you can trust who can pretend to order alcoholic drinks for you (lemonade disguised as gin/vodka etc) or say you’re driving as you have a big family event the next day.

Treat yourself to something new

In the midst of the festive frenzy, don't forget about yourself in all of this! Take a breather and treat yourself to something new to make you smile and feel good about yourself. It could be for a Christmas get together, or just generally for over Christmas time. It doesn’t need to be expensive or a full outfit, it could be new earrings, a Christmas jumper, a new bag or shoes, etc. Something that will make you smile and feel good about yourself.

It could also be as simple as treating yourself to Christmassy cuppa and a slice of cake, whatever you need to get the TLC you deserve!

Treat yourself to the IVF Positivity Planner

The planner helps you focus on the good things in your life, and it helps you plan some goals for the things you'd love to do. It supports you in focussing on your relationship and coping at this difficult time, and most of all it helps you feel happier and stronger, and more able to cope when you are feeling wobbly. Treat yourself to the planner as a little Christmas gift to yourself, so you can go in to the New Year feeling positive and looking forward to spending more time on yourself. Or you can add it to your Christmas list for your loved ones to buy for you.

Buy the IVF Positivity Planner

Think of the things you do have, not what you don’t have

At this time of year we often reflect of the things we still don't have in our lives, so this year think about the things you do have in your life. Write a thankful list for all the things in your life that are important/special that you are thankful for — close family, strong relationship, great friends, fulfilling job etc. It doesn’t have to be big things, it is just good to focus on the positive things.

Use the time to plan in some goals you would like to achieve in the next year

Many people set new years resolutions, but find it difficult to follow them through - they are maybe something you feel you should be doing rather than want to do, or something difficult to achieve. Rather than a resolution think about what you would like to do next year or something you would like to achieve - a trip somewhere, starting a new course or a hobby, decorating a room at home. Think of this as outside of trying for a baby. Once you have thought about things you would like to achieve, you can make a list of actions about how you can achieve it, it will give you a focus and help you feel more in control of you life.

Focus on others

It’s really important to look after yourself at Christmas time, but helping other people is a great way to make yourself feel good, keep busy and make a difference to someone else’s life. You could maybe visit someone elderly or lonely over Christmas, help out a charity or make Christmas boxes for the homeless, collect shopping for someone that is less able or help to wrap presents for elderly family members.

It's ok to come off social media

Give yourself permission to come off social media for as long as you need to over Christmas time. If you're struggling with seeing pictures of Santa visits and matching PJs, remember that you get to choose the things you let into your life, the things you see and read, and that you need to protect yourself and your emotional well being. 

Remember it's ok to say no! 

Christmas time can be overwhelming, so it's more important than ever to prioritise your emotional wellbeing. Only you can decide what you feel up to and what you need to do to protect your emotional health, so don't be afraid to say no, to set your boundaries and stick to them. 

It's ok if you don't want to see friends with children! 

Just in case you needed to hear this... I know that it can be a reminder of all you don't have and that you still want, and that it can be confusing knowing what you want to do. It's ok to say no to going to things that will be too hard, it's ok to make up an excuse if you don't want people to know why you don't want to go. It's ok to not want to hold your friends babies.

Use your support system 

If you are having a bad day, call a friend or family member that understands and just say you are feeling sad and just need a hug or someone to listen to you. There are support groups that are a great source of support and understanding. I run a free private Facebook community that you are welcome to join called IVF Support. Please reach out if you are struggling, you are not alone and you will not be the only one feeling wobbly.

Join the Facebook Support Group

If you would like some extra support over Christmastime you can download my free booklet with tips and advice on getting through the festive period and some questions to help you create a plan to help make Christmas a time to enjoy.


 Take care and have a lovely Christmas xx

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